The Nepali movie premiered in Venice Film Festival, ‘Kalo Pothhi’ has been awarded the Best Film award at the Critics Week at the 72nd Venice Film Festival. The festival was held from 2nd September to 12 September, 2015. The festival organized by Federation of Film Critics of Europe and the Mediterranean (FEDEORA) is one of the oldest film festivals in the world.
After winning the award, the director Min Bahadur Bham has told, “I want to dedicate this award to the my beautiful but torn country and my fellow Nepalese. I pray that peace prevails in my county and end the political crisis.” In the thank you speech, Bham has also remembered his late mother who had passed away recently.
‘Kalo Pothi’ is one and half hour long movie about two kids during the hardship of Maoist insurgency. The movie shot in Mugu features Khadka Raj Nepali, Benisha Hamal and Sukra Raj Rokaya. The movie is going to be featured in a lot of other international festivals in coming days.
The trailer of the movie "Kalo Pothi" has also been recently released:
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